[ 后代 of Jean CHABERT]

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 0━┳▷ Jean CHABERT & Camille LAYET
   ┗━1─┬▷ Marthe CHABERT 1677-1746 &1701 Barthelémy TERRUSSE 1677-1714
       └─1━┳▷ Esprit TERRUSSE 1705-1757 &1725 Marguerite NICOLET 1706-1760
           ┗━1━┳▷ Christophe TERRUSSE 1746-1795 &1771 Anne RODE 1750-1808
               ┗━1━┳ Honoré TERRUSSE 1774-1857 &1796 Hypolite SICARD 1769-1847
                   ┗━1━┳ Louis TERRUSSE 1799- &1825 Anne Marie SICARD 1802-
                       ┗━1━┳ Etienne Pascal TERRUSSE 1832- &1858 Marie GAZAGNAIRE 1840-
                           ┗━1─┬ Marie Mélanie TERRUSSE 1860- &1878 Guillaume Félicien OCTOBON 1842-
                               └─1━━ François Charles Ernest OCTOBON 1881-1969

[total][:] 8 后代 (17 [persons] [with] [spouses])