Up to the 7th generation

       └── x x
    ┌── Pierre Jean-Baptiste BONIFASSI 1775-1827
    │  └── x x
└── Catherine BONIFASSI †1859
    │     ┌── Jean Antoine MARTIN 1701-1747
    │  ┌── Jean MARTIN 1744-1811
    │  │  └── Anna-Marie MUSSO 1703-1774
    └── Marie-Thérèse MARTIN 1778-1866
       │     ┌── Thomas GUIGLION /1710-
       │  ┌── Jean GUIGLION 1724-1794
       │  │  └── x x
       └── Rose Marie GUIGLION 1750-
          │  └── x x
          └── Honorine Marie GUIGLION 1724-1812
             └── x x

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