baptistine Joséphine ROQUES 1876-1898

21 years old, 11 months old, 23 days old

Birth on 3 December 1876 • Marseille
Death on 26 November 1898 • Marseille

Notes née 25 rue d'Alger

up to 28 à 7 generations
Ancestors      3  4 Ascending treeHorizontal treeTable ancestorsFull displayAge at deathLines by nameMenu tools ancestors
     – Auguste ROQUES 1818-1878
     ◊ Marie Rosalie FREZOULS 1835-1865
Albert Auguste ROQUES 1853-
Marie GUIGLION 1857-1891
     ♦ François Louis Aloysius (alexis) GUIGLION 1819-1871
     ♦ Marie Thérèse Françoise ODDO 1820-1876

Siblings Relationship computing 👪 Time line of the familyUncles and auntsNephews and nieces
  1. baptistine Joséphine 1876-1898
  2. Eugénie Sophie Thérèse 1879-1881
  3. Laurence Thérèse Victorine suzanne 1881-1951