Antoinette Baptistine MUTINELLI-ORIGLIA 1909-2002
93 years old
- Born on 8 July 1909 - Nice
- Died on 9 July 2002 - Nice
- Employée de commerce
Spouse and children
- Married on 12 October 1937, Nice,
to Victor Antoine GUIGLION
1906-1970, son of Pierre Romagnan GUIGLION
1856-1933 and Antoinette Louise VERAN
1865-/1933, with two children:
- x x
- x x
Individual note
fille adoptive de Charles André Origlia menuisier - nom parents adoptifs (nom origine Grec) - domiciliée en 1937 au 9 rue Cassini -
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x x |
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Antoinette Baptistine MUTINELLI-ORIGLIA 1909-2002 |
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