[ 后代 of Anne PRADINES]

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 0─┬▷ Anne PRADINES †/1878 & x x
   └─1a┳▷ Jean DE CRUZEL 1853-1907 &1878 Marie Emma Jeanne Joséphine BELLANDO 1858-1883
      ┊┗━1━━ Etienne Laurent Pierre DE CRUZEL 1879-
     1b┳▷ Jean DE CRUZEL & x x
       ┣━1━┳ Jean Antoine Lazare Marie DE CRUZEL 1887- &1912 Renée Léopoldine Camille GUIGLION 1894-1982
       ┃   ┣━1━━ Jehan Alexandre René Marie DE CRUZEL 1915-1936
       ┃   ┣━2┈┈ x x
       ┃   ┣━3┈┈ x x
       ┃   ┣━4┈┈ x x
       ┃   ┣━5┈┈ x x
       ┃   ┣━6┈┈ x x
       ┃   ┗━7┈┈ x x
       ┣━2┈┈ x x
       ┗━3┈┈ x x

[total][:] 12 后代 (17 [persons] [with] [spouses])