[ 后代 of Antoine Jérome DE BOCCHECIAMPE]

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 0━┳ Antoine Jérome DE BOCCHECIAMPE 1825-1901 &1866 Virginie Rose TOMASI 1840-
   ┣━1━━ Joseph Marie Nobile DE BOCCHECIAMPE 1867-1905
   ┗━2━┳ Noel DE BOCCHECIAMPE 1874-1918 &1897 Ursule Marie BIAGGINI 1871-/1926
       ┣━1── Virginie DE BOCCHECIAMPE 1898- &1926 Henri Auréle FAVI 1904-
       ┗━2━━ Ange Toussaint BOCCHECIAMPE 1899- & x x

[total][:] 4 后代 (9 [persons] [with] [spouses])