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Honoré Deportes ca 1605-1638

peut-être 33 ans
  • Né vers 1605 - Le Broc?, Alpes-Maritimes, France
  • Décédé le 20 mars 1638 - Le Broc, Alpes-Maritimes, France

Mariage et enfanttree desc. tree desc. tree desc. tree desc.

Chronologie Tree

(sans date) Décès de l’épouseApollonie Nicolas or Nicolasi ca 1605-
vers 1605 Naissance Le Broc?, Alpes-Maritimes, France
27 mai 1629 Mariage avec Apollonie Nicolas or Nicolasi ca 1605- Le Broc, Alpes-Maritimes, France
17 juin 1631 Profession Le Broc, Alpes-Maritimes, France
vers 17 septembre 1636 Naissance d’une fille Olimpe Deportes aka Deporte ca 1636-ca 1707
20 mars 1638 Décès Le Broc, Alpes-Maritimes, France

Notes individuelles


The baptism withnesses in 1636 of their daughter Olimpe Deportes were Cesar Deportes and Olimpe.



In the baptism record of his son Honoré in 1633 in Le Broc, it is said that he was a brother of the parish priest ("curé") of the village. 


This one maybe was Jean Baptiste Deportes, prio ("prieur") of Gattières since 1659 (April 7), who was not an edifying priest. He was active yet in October 1680.


Source :





He received the title of "magnificum" in his marriage record. In this one it is said that he was a borther of the pariest priest.

Deportes aka Deporte

ca 1549-1628

ca 1561-1628


ca 1605-1638