Up to the 7th generation

             ┌── Augustin ROSTAN 1600-
          ┌── Raphaël ROSTAN 1630-
          │  └── Peirinette GALIAN 1600-
       ┌── Pierre ROSTAN 1680-1773
       │  │  ┌── Louis BOUIS 1600-
       │  └── Jeanne BOUIS
       │     └── Catherine BONAFE 1600-
    ┌── Antoine ROSTAN 1732-
    │  │     ┌── Antoine TOMBAREL 1620-
    │  │  ┌── Jacques TOMBAREL 1660-
    │  │  │  └── Françoise TRASTOUR 1620-
    │  └── Catherine TOMBAREL 1680-
    │     │  ┌── Mathieu ROSTAN 1620-
    │     └── Catherine ROSTAN
    │        └── Marguerite RANCE
┌── Pierre Antoine ROSTAN 1755-1756
    └── Françoise ALLEGRE

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