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64 years old
Sosa 1

Spouse and childtree desc.

Timeline Tree

(no date) Birth of a child x x
10 November 1903 Birth
Lille, 59350, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France,
16 February 1924 Marriage with Albert Julien CIETERS 1904-1951
Lille, 59350, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France,
16 January 1932 Divorce with Albert Julien CIETERS 1904-1951
Lille, 59350, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France,
13 November 1951 Death of the spouseAlbert Julien CIETERS 1904-1951 (47 years old)
15 April 1968 Death
Lille, 59350, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France,


  • Birth:
    . Archives en ligne: AD59 - 3 E 15048 - LILLE / N [1903-09-21 - 1903-11-26] - image 238/304 - acte n° 4972 du 12/11/1903 à 8h - f° 1456.
  • Spouse:
    . Archives en ligne: AD59 - 3 E 15299 - LILLE / M [1924-01-01 - 1924-03-31] - image 135/251 - acte n° 247 du 16/02/1924 à 11h30 f° 135.
  • Divorce: .