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Father's parents, uncles and aunts

Mother's parents, uncles and aunts

François REYNIER ca 1640-

  • Born about 1640
  • Died (../../....)
  • Buried on 24 June 1694 - Vidauban, 83148, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France,
  • Bourgeois, Marchand

Spouses and childrentree desc. tree desc. tree desc. tree desc.

Timeline Tree

(../../....) Death
(../../....) Death of a daughter Madeleine RAYNIERE 1686-
(../../....) Death of a daughter Roseline REINIERE 1689-
(../../....) Death of a daughter Elisabeth REINIERE 1680-
(../../....) Death of a daughter Elisabeth RAYNIERE 1683-
(../../....) Death of the spouseLouise CABASSONE
(no date) Birth of a daughter Madeleine RAYNIERE 1686-
(no date) Birth of a daughter Roseline REINIERE 1689-
(no date) Birth of a daughter Elisabeth REINIERE 1680-
(no date) Birth of a daughter Elisabeth RAYNIERE 1683-
(no date) Birth of a son Honoré REINIER 1693-1747
about 1640 Birth
1680 Marriage with Louise CABASSONE
27 December 1684 Will
Vidauban, 83148, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France,
16 March 1685 Marriage contract with Marquise RAVELY ca 1659-1717
Vidauban, 83148, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France,
Dot : 600 livres valant 200 écus, plus robes et joyaux.
21 March 1685 Marriage with Marquise RAVELY ca 1659-1717
Vidauban, 83148, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France,
3 June 1691 Birth of a son François REINIER 1691-1747
23 May 1694 Will
Vidauban, 83148, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France,
24 June 1694 Burial
Vidauban, 83148, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France,
agé d'environ 54 ans
28 December 1717 Death of the spouseMarquise RAVELY ca 1659-1717 (possibly 58 years old)


  • Spouse 1:
    . Notaires: CM 16/03/1685 Vidauban
    . Généalogiste: Marie SANTUCCI-VALBONNETTI.
  • Spouse 2:
    . Généalogiste: Marie SANTUCCI-VALBONNETTI
    . Archives en ligne: AD83 - BMS Vidauban 1674-1697 - 1MIEC518 - Image 42/121.
  • Burial:
    . Archives en ligne: AD83 - BMS Vidauban 1674-1697 - 1MIEC518 - Image 92/121.
  • Will:
    . Généalogiste: Geneanet - Arbre en ligne Marie VALBONETTI (rvms)
    . Notaires: AD83 - 3E40/37 f°398.
  • Marriage contract:
    . Notaires: AD83 3E 40/45 f262-263 - Me Esprit GARNIER Vidauban.
  • Will:
    . Généalogiste: Geneanet - Arbre en ligne Marie VALBONETTI (rvms)
    . Notaires: AD83 - 3E40/47 f°233.

ca 1585-ca 1628

ca 1592-


| ca 1606 |    |   |


ca 1608-

ca 1610-
ca 1629
