René DESTREVELLE ca 1659-1736
possibly 77 years old
- Born about 1659
- Died on 18 March 1736 - Houtaing, 51033, Hainaut, Belgique,
- Buried on 19 March 1736 - Houtaing, 51033, Hainaut, Belgique,
Spouse and children
- Married to Catherine DELAUNOIS
ca 1665-1720, with four children:
- Arnould ca 1695-1728
- Jean François ca 1696-
- Jacques ca 1699-1730
- Marie Catherine ca 1702-
- Burial:
. Généalogiste: Geneanet - Arbre en ligne Jacques BOULANGER (jboulanger)
. Archives en ligne: - Houtaing - N° de film 008408628 - image 375/797 - acte n°112.
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