90 years old
- Born on 4 July 1797 - Retranchement, , , Pays-Bas,
- Died on 4 April 1888 - Breskens, , , Pays-Bas,
Spouse and children
- Married on 31 October 1821, Retranchement, , , Pays-Bas,, to Henderik OSSENMEYER OSSEWAARDE 1797-1875, son of Willem OSSENMEYER and Adriana OSSEWAARDE 1776-1850
Individual note
- Birth, death:
. Généalogiste: Geneanet - Arbre en ligne dewaalj (https://www.geneanet.org/profil/dewaalj). - Spouse:
. Généalogiste: Geneanet - Arbre en ligne Herman POST (hpost)
. Archives en ligne: https://www.archieven.nl - 25.RET-H-1821 Retranchement huwelijksakten burgerlijke stand - image 8/10 - acte n° 5 du 31.10.1821.
Johanna de KOENE |
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Adriana PORREIJ 1797-1888 |
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