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[marriage] 和 子女tree desc. tree desc. tree desc. tree desc.

[time line] Tree

--- [marriage event] [with] Gasparin LEON /1648
Dot 420 livres
dont un cordon d'argent de 15 livres
une caisse de 12 livres
garniment 18 livres
(../../....) [[death] of [a daughter]] Marguerite LEON
(../../....) [[death] of [a son]] Mathieu LEON
(../../....) [[death] of [a son]] Gaspard LEON
(../../....) [death]
([missing date]) [[birth] of [a daughter]] Marguerite LEON
([missing date]) [[birth] of [a son]] Mathieu LEON
([missing date]) [[birth] of [a son]] Gaspard LEON
([missing date]) [[birth] of [a son]] Jean LEON 1631-1689
1621年11月19日 [marriage contract] [with] Gasparin LEON /1648
Antibes, 06004, Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur, France,
[before (date)] 1648年 [[death] of [the spouse]]Gasparin LEON /1648

[individual notes]


  • [marriage contract][:]
    . Notaires: AD06 3E 81/25 f545-547 - Me D. LANSE Antibes.


