Anne COLLIN ca 1729-1759

possibly 30 years old

Birth about 1729
 └ Daughter of Joseph COLLIN, 40 years old, and Marguerite PIDOL, 42 years old.
Marriage with Jean GUGNON on 13 January 1756 • possibly 27 years old • Marieulles, 57445, Lorraine, France,
Death on 19 January 1759 • possibly 30 years old • Marieulles, 57445, Lorraine, France,
Burial on 20 January 1759 • possibly 30 years old • Marieulles, 57445, Lorraine, France,


  • Marriage with Jean GUGNON:
    . Etat-civil: AD57 2Mi 471/1
    . Etat-civil: AD 57 - Archives en ligne - 9NUM/5E304/1 - I337
  • Burial:
    . Généalogiste: Geneanet - Arbre en ligne Marc JASPARD (leprincemarc)
    . Archives en ligne: AD57 - 9ENUM/5E304/2 BMS Marieulles 1758-1793 Image 13

up to 22 à 6 generations
Ancestors      3  4 Ascending treeHorizontal treeTable ancestorsFull displayAge at deathLines by nameMenu tools ancestors
     ♦ Joseph COLLIN 1662-1729
     ♦ Gérarde LOLIER ca 1661-1721
Joseph COLLIN 1689-1756
Marguerite PIDOL 1687-1750
     ♦ Dominique PIDOLE 1660-1695
     ♦ Barbe HOUSSEL  - 

Siblings Relationship computing 👪 Shortest path ♆Time line of the familyUncles and auntsNephews and nieces
  1. Barbe 1719-
  2. Claude 1726-1730
  3. Anne ca 1729-1759
  4. Marie 1729-

Descendants Descendants treeDescendant tree viewTable descendantsFull displayMenu tools descendants