45 years old
- Born on 5 January 1809 - Châteauneuf-Grasse, 06038, Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur, France,
- Died on 14 December 1854 - Châteauneuf-Grasse, 06038, Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur, France,
- Cultivateur
Spouse and children
- Married on 11 June 1832, Biot, 06018, Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur, France,,
to Magdeleine LAURE
1808-1836, daughter of Jean LAURE
1783-1860 and Elisabeth BOURRELY
1782-1856, with two children:
- Jean 1833-
- Antoine 1835-
- Spouse:
. Etat-civil: AD06 - 05MI_018_006_000244 - acte n°5 du 11/06/1832 à 10h. - Death:
. Généalogiste: Geneanet - Arbre en ligne Nelson GIRAUD VERA (nelsong) - https://www.geneanet.org/profil/nelsong.
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