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(../../....) Death
(../../....) Death of a son Charles Antoine DUPUIS 1705-
(../../....) Death of a son Joachim DUPUIS 1707-
(../../....) Death of the spouseAntoine DUPUIS ca 1680-
(no date) Birth of a daughter Marie Catherine BOURBOTTE 1699-
(no date) Birth of a son Jean Baptiste DUPUIS 1711-1762
(no date) Birth of a son Charles Antoine DUPUIS 1705-
(no date) Birth of a son Joachim DUPUIS 1707-
(no date) Birth of a son Thomas BOURBOTTE 1702-
(no date) Birth of a son Jean Martin BOURBOTTE 1703-
(no date) Death of a daughter Marie Catherine BOURBOTTE 1699-
(no date) Death of a son Thomas BOURBOTTE 1702-
(no date) Death of a son Jean Martin BOURBOTTE 1703-
(no date) Death of the spouseThomas BOURBOTTE 1703
4 November 1672 Baptism
Gondecourt, 59266, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France,
15 May 1698 Marriage with Thomas BOURBOTTE 1703
Gondecourt, 59266, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France,
19 April 1704 Marriage contract with Antoine DUPUIS ca 1680-
Bauvin, 59052, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France,
3 May 1704 Marriage with Antoine DUPUIS ca 1680-
Bauvin, 59052, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France,
10 May 1723 Burial
Bauvin, 59052, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France,


  • Baptism, spouse 1, burial:
    . Généalogiste: Geneanet - Arbre en ligne 1957patrick (
  • Spouse 2:
    . Généalogiste: Christian LEDROIT
    . Relevés: Généalo - Mariages à BAUVIN
    . Archives en ligne: AD59 - 5 Mi 048 R 016 - BAUVIN / BMS [1694-1802] - image 78/1127.
  • Marriage contract:
    . Notaires: AD59 6716/023.



Marie Marguerite
