- Born - Saint-Pierre-de-Vayres, 87199, Limousin, France, Merlis
- Died (../../....)
Spouse and children
- Married on 27 February 1786, Oradour-sur-Vayres, 87111, Limousin, France,,
1759-1806, son of Jean DESVILLES
ca 1716-1761 and Françoise LEONARD
1785, with seven children:
- François 1788-
- Pierre 1790-
- Madelaine 1793-
- François 1797-1802
- Anne 1801-
- Françoise 1802-
- Françoise 1805-
Individual note
- Générale: LADRA sur la table x CGHHML
Habitant Saint Pierre de Vayres en 1786
- Spouse:
. Relevés: Bib Gen 4° B br 272C - Table CGHHML
. Etat-civil: AD87 5Mi 111/4
. Etude: Mireille et Pierre REJASSE - Terre de nos Ancêtres - Oradour sur Vayres - Tome II p. 87
. Relevés: AGL - Table BMS Oradour sur Vayres - Tome II : 1751-1824.
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