possibly 58 years old
- Baptized on 10 July 1707 - Arry, 57030, Lorraine, France,
- Died on 27 December 1765 - Arry, 57030, Lorraine, France,
- Vigneron
Spouse and children
- Married to Claudine ADAM
1723-1793, daughter of François ADAM
1684-/1750 and Anne DORON
1688-1766, with two children:
- Françoise 1764-
- Claude 1803
- Baptism:
. Généalogiste: Geneanet - Arbre en ligne Catherine PASSAL (cpassal) - https://www.geneanet.org/profil/cpassal. - Death:
. Généalogiste: Francis CARLIER - Généanet.
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