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Gilly OCTOBON 1665..1669

  • 死 [between (date)] 1665年  和 1669年
  • Laboureur

[marriages] 和 子女tree desc. tree desc. tree desc. tree desc.

[time line] Tree

--- [marriage event] [with] Francesquette AUZIERE
(../../....) [[death] of [a daughter]] Honorade OCTOBON 1654-
(../../....) [[death] of [a daughter]] Marguerite OCTOBON 1637-
(../../....) [[death] of [a daughter]] Antonetone OCTOBON 1643-
(../../....) [[death] of [a daughter]] Honorade OCTOBON
(../../....) [[death] of [a son]] Jacques OCTOBON
(../../....) [[death] of [a son]] Roman TOUTBON 1648-
(../../....) [[death] of [a son]] François OCTOBON 1635-
(../../....) [[death] of [a son]] Estienne OCTOBON 1639-
(../../....) [[death] of [a son]] Jean OCTOBON 1646-
(../../....) [[death] of [a son]] André OCTOBON 1656-
(../../....) [[death] of [the spouse]]Francesquette AUZIERE
([missing date]) [[birth] of [a daughter]] Honorade OCTOBON 1654-
([missing date]) [[birth] of [a daughter]] Marguerite OCTOBON 1637-
([missing date]) [[birth] of [a daughter]] Antonetone OCTOBON 1643-
([missing date]) [[birth] of [a daughter]] Honorade OCTOBON
([missing date]) [[birth] of [a daughter]] Marguerite OCTOBON 1634-
([missing date]) [[birth] of [a son]] Honoré OCTOBON /1692
([missing date]) [[birth] of [a son]] Raphael OCTOBON 1652-1716
([missing date]) [[birth] of [a son]] Jacques OCTOBON
([missing date]) [[birth] of [a son]] Jean OCTOBON 1650-1697
([missing date]) [[birth] of [a son]] Roman TOUTBON 1648-
([missing date]) [[birth] of [a son]] François OCTOBON 1635-
([missing date]) [[birth] of [a son]] Estienne OCTOBON 1639-
([missing date]) [[birth] of [a son]] Jean OCTOBON 1646-
([missing date]) [[birth] of [a son]] André OCTOBON 1656-
([missing date]) [[birth] of [a son]] André OCTOBON 1642-
([missing date]) [[death] of [a daughter]] Marguerite OCTOBON 1634-
([missing date]) [[death] of [a son]] André OCTOBON 1642-
([missing date]) [[marriage] of Antonetone [with] Pierre GARBIER ]
([missing date]) [[marriage] of Estienne [with] Antoinette ISNARD ]
([missing date]) [[marriage] of Honoré [with] Françoise AUDIBERT 1692]
([missing date]) [[marriage] of Jean [with] Cathin CURABEC ]
([missing date]) [[marriage] of Marguerite [with] Honoré PAULIAN ]
1632年3月29日 [marriage contract] [with] Francesquette AUZIERE
Vence, 06157, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France,
1645年10月16日 [marriage contract] [with] Françoise RAIMOND 1686..1688
Cagnes, 06027, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France,
[about (date)] 1665年 [[birth] of [a son]] Joseph OCTOBON ca 1665-1711
[between (date)] 1665年 和 1669年 [death]
1665年12月20日 [will]
Cagnes, 06027, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France,
Testament plus codicile
[between (date)] 1686年 和 1688年 [[death] of [the spouse]]Françoise RAIMOND 1686..1688

[individual notes]

  1. Générale: teste en 1665 (10 enfants)


  • [marriage] 1, [death][:]
    . Généalogiste: Edith JOSSET - Notes manuscrites.
  • [marriage] 2[:]
    . Notaires: AD06 3E 37/21 f209-211v
    . Généalogiste: Edith JOSSET - Notes manuscrites.
  • [will][:]
    . Notaires: AD06 3E 37/26
    . Généalogiste: Edith JOSSET - Notes manuscrites.
  • [marriage contract][:]
    . Relevé: AGAM - Base NIMEGUE
    . Notaires: AD06 - 3E 84/116 P256.
  • [marriage contract][:]
    . Notaires: AD06 3E 37/21 f209-211v
    . Généalogiste: Edith JOSSET - Notes manuscrites.




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