Birth on 31 January 1867 • Saint-André-la-Roche
Death on 31 January 1867 • Saint-André-la-Roche


  • Individual: décés: pg 43 n°1

up to 32 à 8 generations
Ancestors      3  4 Ascending treeHorizontal treeTable ancestorsFull displayAge at deathLines by nameMenu tools ancestors
         ♦ Pierre GUIGLION 1781-1840
         ♦ Françoise DANIEL 1783-1868
     ♦ Jean-Baptiste GUIGLION 1812-1897
     ◊ Joséphine Marie Barbérine Séraphine DALLONI 1809-1873
         ◊ François( Jules ?) DALLONI 1780-
         ◊ Thérèse Marie THAON  - 
Pierre Joseph GUIGLION 1833-1908
Rose VISSIAN 1840-

Siblings Relationship computing 👪 Time line of the familyUncles and aunts
  1. sans vie 1867-1867
  2. sans vie 1870-1870
  3. Catherine 1877-
  1. On Pierre Joseph GUIGLION's side
    with Corinne Alexandrine Louise BLANCHI 1850-1915:
  2. Jean-Marie Léon 1877-1948
  3. Anne Marie-Louise dite Anna 1879-1924