Françoise GUIGLION 1863-1884

21 years old, 4 months old, one day old

Birth on 2 March 1863 • Saint-André-la-Roche
Marriage with Jean-François BERTAGNA on 23 September 1883 • Saint-André-la-Roche
Death on 3 July 1884 • Saint-André-la-Roche


  • Individual: naisssance: pg 21 n°2 - mariage: pg 181 n°3 - décés: pg 168 n°17

up to 42 à 8 generations
Ancestors      3  4 Ascending treeHorizontal treeTable ancestorsFull displayAge at deathLines by nameMenu tools ancestors
         ♦ Emmanuel GUIGLION †1821
         ◊ Catherine Marie BAILET †1836
     ♦ François GUIGLION 1806-1876
     ♦ Victoire victorine Thérèse 1814-1872
         ♦ Pierre GUIGLION 1781-1840
         ♦ Françoise DANIEL 1783-1868
Jacques GUIGLION 1837-1901
Marguerite GUIGLION 1834-1889
         – x x  - 
         ♦ Marguerite VISSIAN  - 
     ♦ Louis GUIGLION 1803-1888
     – Marguerite Marie Emilie CARLIN †/1888

Siblings Relationship computing 👪 Time line of the familyUncles and auntsNephews and nieces
  1. Françoise 1863-1884
  2. Augustine 1865-1918
  3. Barthélémy 1866-
  4. Joséphine 1866-1952
  5. Emile 1867-
  6. Louis 1869-
  7. Jean-Baptiste 1872-1897
  8. Marie 1875-1876
  9. Joséphine Françoise 1875-
