Joséphine GUIGLION 1877-1949

71 years old, 5 months old, 23 days old

Birth on 26 December 1877 • Saint andre
 └ Daughter of Jules Gaétan GUIGLION, 30 years old, and Sabine COLOMAS, 26 years old.
Marriage with Honoré COLOMAS on 27 September 1904 • 26 years old • Saint-André-la-Roche
Death on 18 June 1949 • 71 years old • Saint-André-la-Roche


  • Individual: naissance: pg 131 n°18

up to 40 à 8 generations, 2 implexes
Ancestors      3  4 Ascending treeHorizontal treeTable ancestorsFull displayAge at deathLines by nameMenu tools ancestors
     ♦ Antoine GUIGLION 1812-/1865
     ◊ Joséphine TORDO 1816-1879
Jules Gaétan GUIGLION 1847-
Sabine COLOMAS 1851-
     ♦ Honoré COLOMAS 1822-/1907
     ♦ Catherine Anne Marie GUIGLION 1826-1907
consanguinity: 0 %
Siblings Relationship computing 👪 Time line of the familyUncles and aunts
  1. Etienne 1875-
  2. Joséphine 1877-1949
  3. Pauline 1881-1967
  4. Séraphin 1887-1967
