Ancestors of Marcel Ernest Armand GUIGLION 1892-1945

Ancestors of Marcel Ernest Armand GUIGLION
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Individual Birth Spouses Spouse Death Age Occupations
Date Place Date Place Date Place
class="fa fa-mars maleMarcel Ernest Armand GUIGLION
Marcel Ernest Armand GUIGLION
03/06/1892 Nice class="fa fa-venus femaleLucie Claire ZBINDEN 11/05/1921 Paris (1er) 1 06/02/1945 Vienne (Autriche) 53 years old secrétaire d'hotel (avant la guerre de 14-18)- propriétaire dhotel
class="fa fa-venus femaleLouise Henriette EYRIES 04/05/1943 Mougins (06) 0

Total: 1 individuals.