Forfeður Alexandrine Marie Alexandra Thérèse ALLAVENA 1823-1899

Forfeður Alexandrine Marie Alexandra Thérèse ALLAVENAtogen: bad # of params (1 instead of 0)togen: bad # of params (1 instead of 0)togen: bad # of params (1 instead of 0).
Einstaklingur Fæðing [spouses] Gifting Látin(n) Aldur Starf
Dagsetning Staður Dagsetning Staður Dagsetning Staður
♀ Alexandrine Marie Alexandra Thérèse ALLAVENA
06/03/1823 , Sospel, 06136, Alpes Maritimes, Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur, France ♂ Jean Baptiste Laurent BELMON 08/01/1843 , Sospel, 06136, Alpes Maritimes, Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur, France 1 16/12/1899 , Sospel, 06136, Alpes Maritimes, Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur, France 76 ára  

Alls: 1 einstaklingar.