Ancestors of Marie Reine Joseph DUHAUT 1747-1784

Ancestors of Marie Reine Joseph DUHAUTtogen: bad # of params (1 instead of 0)togen: bad # of params (1 instead of 0)togen: bad # of params (1 instead of 0).
Individual Birth Spouses Spouse Death Age Occupations
Date Place Date Place Date Place
♀ Marie Reine Joseph DUHAUT
07/01/1747 Moustier, 51065, Hainaut, Belgique, ♂ Philippe Joseph HUGUET 06/22/1772 Moustier, 51065, Hainaut, Belgique, 0 11/29/1784 Moustier, 51065, Hainaut, Belgique, 37 years old  

Total: 1 individuals.